Cognates Romanian -English - List of 240 cognates

One example of a Romanian - English cognate is the word "telefon." which means for "telephone" Another example is the word "restaurant," which also has the same meaning in both languages.

Recognize similarities between cognate words.

Listen and follow the cognates list below.

Lista Cognates RO-EN cuvinte comune engleza romana.pdf

It's important to keep in mind that while many Romanian-English cognates exist, there are also false cognates that can trip you up if you're not careful.

These are words that may look or sound similar in both languages but have different meanings. For example, the Romanian word "sens" means "direction," while the English word "sense" means "a feeling or perception." To avoid confusion, make sure to pay attention to context and always double-check the meaning of unfamiliar words to ensure accuracy.

Audio Note. When learning a new language, it is always helpful to find similarities between words and phrases that exist in your native tongue. This is especially true when it comes to Romanian and English, as there are many cognate words that can make the learning process easier. Cognates are words that have a similar origin and meaning in different languages, and understanding these can help you quickly expand your vocabulary and improve your language skills. By recognizing the similarities between cognate words, you can quickly grasp their meaning and remember them more easily. This can be a valuable tool in your language learning journey.

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