Course Contents & Structure

Course content (A1-A2): by the end of the course you will have learned the following:


  • Socialising: introduce yourself
  • Socialising: count and use numbers (pay bills), ask about prices 
  • Socialising: speak about schedules/ daily activities 
  • Socialising: give directions, order a taxi by phone, ask for info in the airport
  • Socialising : talking about work and leisure
  • Socialising: ask questions
  • Entertainment: read the menu, order the meal 
  • Entertainment: express likes and preferences 
  • Entertainment: small conversations about likes/dislikes 
  • Entertainment: speak about people s qualities
  • Business: express ownership,
  • Business: express ownership, compare quality Business: establish meetings 
  • Business: making boookings and making/checking arrangements 
  • Negociating: express capability, necessity, possession
  • Negociating: dealing with problems


  • Learn to spell Romanian sounds
  • Learn to pronounce the names of some Romanian towns & main regions
  • Personal Pronouns & Question words
  • Useful daily expressions
  • Basic activities
  • Numbers
  • Expressions of agreement/ disagreement
  • Types of food, Vegetables, fruits, tastes,
  • Giving Directions
  • Connectors for Fluency, etc


  • The personal pronoun
  • Singular/plural nouns
  • The gender of nouns
  • The definitive article (the)
  • The negative/ affirmative
  • Demonstrative pronoun
  • Adjectives
  • Comparison of adjectives
  • The genitive
  • The preposition
  • Present simple
  • Past simple
  • The subjunctive
  • The conditional
  • Questions
  • Future
  • Passives

Accesis blended learning method, ERF (examples, repetition, feedback) is based on conversation and communication activities followed by comprehension, vocabulary and grammar exercises according to the Common European Reference Levels

  • BEGINNERS, Online Self Paced Course: (A1, A2 levels) develops basic communication skills on Romanian language. You will learn basic grammar, everyday phrases and words and basic grammar notions. Express routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need. Also Teacher-Guided
  • INTERMEDIATE (Teacher-Guided B1 level) you will learn to communicate about familiar topics, describing feelings, emotions and impressions, read and understand various texts, write e-mails. You will get to understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure. You will be able to deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken: describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

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